Here, in Cornwall, January is dark and dismal - a couple of short hours of sunshine yesterday and rain again today. I had a DNOTS (dark night of the soul) last night - here's my poem. I was lucky that there was someone to put their arms around me this morning ... I feel for all those who have no one at all.
Awake at 3am and the room
should be empty but somehow
all the regrets got in under the door
and busy themselves, regretting -
the losses reply how lost they are
and the rain’s somehow come inside
my noisy head and invited the wind
to join her in telling the world
all the ways I went wrong.
Later in your arms,
the wind’s got the hint, taken the rain
the other side of the window pane -
they peer in from the other side
of the glass and beyond and over the sea,
regrets and losses get smaller,
disappear over the horizon with the far ships.
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