Sunday, 16 August 2009

Looking for Beauty

Summer colours going now
brightness sinking into green
and grey - memories weigh
heavier than the future
and yet, again the gift, today.

Monday, 10 August 2009

Last Sunday

Yesterday on the water with friends
Everything smooth, all anxiety fled
Beauty above, below, around us
All past and future in the now and blessed.

Sunday, 9 August 2009


Their ripening comes faster now
black clusters of berries
so redolent of my childhood
and teenage years. They greet
and reproach me each summer

It's impossible not to pick
them, stew them with sugar
feel the burst of bitterness
and sweetness on my morning tongue.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Stone Circle

Standing stones, sky, grass

moving clouds, hedgerow, path -

where I passed and came again

something's changed

yet stays the same.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009


The fugitive sun's returned -
we all come out to look at him
neighbours on their doorstep
joke 'Sshh, don't mention it!'.
Dogs walk face up to the clear sky,
there's a sudden scatter of mushrooms
burgeoning near the path
and on the pavement by my door
a pound coin I didn't drop, gleaming.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Beach Party

Cold swim, clear water, boats, old friends
Dogs, children, shared food on paper plates
Tall trees, fires, light on water, talk, song
A couple deep in love, blazing candles on her birthday cake.